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29th IASP World Conference 2012

Globally Networked STPs Platform to foster knowledge based regional economy in China

2011_05_31_Poster 2012 Tallinn_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    I-Hung Li
  2. Co-authors
    David Baker,
    Li Xu,
    Ling Li,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    June 2012
  5. Place of publication
    Tallinn, Estonia
  6. Number of pages
In 1978, China embarked on a policy of reform that opened its doors to the rest of the world, helping to make China an economic superpower. Technology-based economic development & resource-based advantage started to take center stage to drive its economic growth, especially in the exports. In a recent National 12th five-year (20112015) plan aims to shift the worlds second largest economy from an export-driven and resource-based advantage into an innovation-driven global powerhouse. The key to achieving this will be for the nation to enhance the ability of its economy to innovate aggressively. Yet Chinas record on this score is mixed. A dramatically different mind-set is required to develop new models of collaboration in which leaders and professionals as well need to rethink how to recreate places for education, R&D, and sustainable economic development. This paper describes the approaches taken by the Institute (NJU-NYU/POLY Joint Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship).
  1. Conference name
    29th IASP World Conference 2012
  2. Conference theme
    Science and Technology Parks: Serving the Companies and the Innovation Community
  3. Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  4. Conference start date
    17 June 2012
  5. Conference end date
    20 June 2012