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XX IASP World Conference 2003

How to create a favourable environment for Technology and Innovation Parks in urban areas

2008_06_28_Poster 2003 Lisboa_FINAL
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Marc Pattinson
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    June 2003
  4. Place of publication
    Lisbon, Portugal
  5. Number of pages
The object of this paper is to illustrate the growing need to develop specific innovation and technology transfer habitats that are adapted to urban/inner city environments. By using material drawn from three case studies in France, the UK and Germany this paper explores the urban innovation habitat and identifies the key ingredients that need to be assembled to make it a productive and successful innovation environment. The case study material illustrates the importance of developing concepts that ensure a better integration into their urban environment. This requires physical design solutions that help reduce the physical isolation often associated with centres of learning and research in urban locations. It also depends upon the development of broadly based partnerships that involve community and other key target groups alongside the provision of services that contribute to the delivery of an innovation and entrepreneurialism culture. Urban innovation habitats will thrive by being based around a mixed-use strategy driven forward by a visionary leader or partnership.
  1. Conference name
    XX IASP World Conference 2003
  2. Conference theme
    Habitats of Excellence- Managing and Promoting Innovation
  3. Location
    Lisbon, Portugal
  4. Conference start date
    01 June 2003
  5. Conference end date
    04 June 2003