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XXV IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

In search of harmony in socio-economic development: the lessons of interaction between science and business organisations in Lithuania

2008_06_28_Poster 2008 Johannesburg_FINAL
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Dr. Ina DAGYTE
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2008
  4. Place of publication
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. Number of pages
Partnership between science and business sectors: tools to identify needs and manage the process. The paper offers both the theoretical and practical approaches to the important problem- development of cooperation between science and business sectors, focusing on its specific features of the link in the context of management of science. The authors have applied procedural operational attitude to business and science institutions management of enhancing there interaction. Special emphasis is placed on creating new, original and effective scenarios of promoting partnership. On the basis of two-side analysis of science and business sectors transformations, carried out by the authors, challenges of the partnership have been defined. The authors have described managerial causes of demand and offer in the area of cooperation between science and business sectors, and have identified factors, which have negative effect on this process. The paper introduces principles and challenges of creating the above - mentioned scenarios.
  1. Conference name
    XXV IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  2. Conference theme
    Proceedings of the XXV IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  3. Location
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  4. Conference start date
    14 September 2008
  5. Conference end date
    17 September 2008