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XXV IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

Innovation Campus - the Transformation of a City

2008_06_28_Poster 2008 Johannesburg_FINAL
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    David Fuller
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2008
  4. Place of publication
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. Number of pages
The decision to establish the Innovation Campus as a "creative campus community" within the city of Wollongong was a bold step and was only taken after much consultation with local stakeholders. The Innovation Campus is arguably the most significant economic development project the city has ever undertaken. The task of gathering and nurturing support is constant. Details of the master planning process are explored and the leadership role taken by the University. The Innovation Campus project has been instrumental in changing local attitudes and actions and has resulted in numerous additional benefits such as: The definition of the value proposition for Wollongong (and the Innovation Campus). A sense of community cohesion, self belief and aspiration. The establishment of a Wollongong Stock Exchange  Vast improvements in Communications & Utilities infrastructure planning. The harmonising of various benefits packages & marketing materials the emergence of Advantage Wollongong. A plan to reverse the trend of thousands of knowledge workers commuting to Sydney each day.
  1. Conference name
    XXV IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  2. Conference theme
    The role of Science Parks in accelerating knowledge economy growth - contrasts between emerging and more developed economies
  3. Location
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  4. Conference start date
    14 September 2008
  5. Conference end date
    17 September 2008