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34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation

New STP funding mechanism based on the development strategy linking public funding with market driven services

2016_08_01_IASP 2017 conference poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Ewa Kocinska
  2. Co-authors
    Justyna Adamska,
  3. Publication date
    September 2017
  4. Number of pages
Funding the activity of a science and technology park in a changing global economy is a growing challenge. In order to assure a constant grow of the park and development of its services parks’managers should constantly look for various funding opportunities. Relying only on one source of income could jeopardise the STP sustainable development and mission implementation. STP should find its most suitable financial model and cooperate closely with the other actors of the local innovation ecosystem.This paper shows a case of a Poznan Science and Technology Park (PSTP) in Poland which is currently implementing its new development strategy foreseen until 2025. Authors analyse the circumstances that led to the decision on the change in the PSTP financial model and present its rationale.The objective of the paper is to present the new strategy development process, its outcomes, first results of the strategy implementation and changes in funding mechanism.
  1. Conference name
    34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Natural Innovation ecosystems: articulating future strategies
  3. Location
    Istanbul, Turkey
  4. Conference start date
    26 September 2017
  5. Conference end date
    29 September 2017