XX IASP World Conference 2003
Technology Initiatives in the Arab countries
Document type:
Conference Paper
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- AuthorsFullNameWithTitle2:Omar F. Bizri
- Co-authors
- PublisherIASP
- Publication dateJuly 2003
- Place of publicationLisbon
- Number of pages13
- Keywords
- Technology sectors
This paper discusses the various technology initiatives currently being planned and implemented in the Arab countries, focusing specifically on technology incubators. The initiatives deal mainly with science and research, while some deal particularly with ICTs. Individual efforts and experiences of the Arab countries are described, covering areas such as technopoles, incubators, and science and technology policies.
- Conference nameXX IASP World Conference 2003
- Conference themeHabitats of Excellence- Managing and Promoting Innovation
- LocationLisbon
- Conference start date31 July 2003
- Conference end date31 July 2003