Ideon Science Park exports Swedish innovation system to Nigeria
Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden and the University of Nigeria Nsukka have signed an agreement where Ideon Science Park will provide guidance on how to set up innovation governance and science park management with the goal of establishing one of the first science parks in Nigeria, The Lion Science Park, during 2018.
The University of Nigeria (UNN) is about to launch the first university-based science park in Nigeria and Ideon Science Park together with Lundavision AB and is providing mentorship in this regard. In December 2017, UNN and Ideon Science Park signed an agreement on an incubator and science park management project, which will be delivered during 2018.
”Many innovations that have changed the world have their roots in universities. In partnering with Ideon Science Park, the first science park in the whole of Scandinavia, the University of Nigeria is leading efforts in setting up the first ever university-based Science Park in any Nigerian university to fast-track innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria,” says professor Benjamin Ozumba, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
“Over 1,000 companies have started their journey here, supported by the Swedish innovation system and the Ideon method. We are looking forward to this collaboration and to build a close relationship with such an interesting market as Nigeria”, says Mia Rolf, CEO Ideon Science Park.