Computerized System for Selecting Companies

Keywords: digitisation
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Companies interested in settling at tecnoPARQ must register in the computerized selection system and fill out the electronic proposal available on tecnoPARQs website. After submission of the proposal and fulfilling the requirements in the selection process, the proposal is submitted for technical and financial evaluation by ad hoc reviewers. After technical and financial evaluation, proposals are evaluated by the Evaluation Commission from tecnoPARQ. This entire process is safely done in an automated way in a web environment, permitting process monitoring by the company.
What is the purpose of your solution
Technology parks have different mechanisms for selecting residents. In general, such mechanisms follow specific procedures whose steps require the processing and archiving of documents, filling out forms and records, data query, among others. Traditional (non-computerized) methods take more staff time and are subject to human error, the loss of documents, or even to delays and queues. This computerized system for selecting companies aims to computerize the process of selecting of companies for tecnoPARQ through the use of a web platform for registration and evaluation of the potential tenant.
What is innovative about it
Visit the website and try doing it your-self through a simulation registration, and feel free to contribute ideas or al-ternatives to improve the system. Thus each park can adjust the ques-tionnaire to their demand.
What impact has your solution had
11 resident companies have been selected for tecnoPARQ through this system. The average time for selecting proposals is 45 days, counted from the submission of tenders in the system. The system is praised by companies who used it.
Who are the main users
Companies interested in submitting proposals to the selection system and members of the management team of the park.
For more solutions from IASP member tecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa) click here