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XXV IASP World Conference 2008

The Socioeconomic Impact of Spanish Science and Technology Parks

2008_06_28_Poster 2008 Johannesburg_FINAL
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Mr. Jaime Del Castillo Hermosa
  2. Co-authors
    Jonatan Paton,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    September 2008
  5. Place of publication
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  6. Number of pages
This article is based on an Infyde report commissioned by Spains Ministry of Education & Science and the Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE) to find a methodology to explain the quantitative impact of Parks on the Spanish R&D (+I) system. The report focused on the specific impact of the Parks on GDP, employment, R&D and tax variables. Despite the models limitations, the report shows how 7 Spanish parks generate nearly 0.65% of the national GDP and 5.8% of employment in R&D. At local level, their impact is even greater, with 3.9% of GDP and 66.15% of employment in R&D. Tax revenue levels demonstrate how the Parks offset the cost of their actual development. In short, the report quantifies the impact of Spanish parks in economic and social terms and as regards their role as leaders in their respective R&D (+I) systems.
  1. Conference name
    XXV IASP World Conference 2008
  2. Conference theme
    The role of Science Parks in accelerating knowledge economy growth - contrasts between emerging and more developed economies
  3. Location
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  4. Conference start date
    14 September 2008
  5. Conference end date
    17 September 2008