Esteban Pablo Cassin

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Background information

Estaban Pablo Cassin is a psychologist specialised in Labour Psychology. He has 20 years of experience in the fields of technology transfer, areas of innovation, business development and training of entrepreneurs.

He carries out advisory, consulting, training, evaluation, management, and research activities, both in the country and abroad, and participates in various cooperation and exchange networks. He works as a lecturer at the National University of San Martín (Department for the Economy of Innovation and Development) and at the National University of Tres de Febrero as Academic Director specialising in Technology and Innovation Management. 

He was a member of the Executive Committee and  was President of the Latin American Division of the International Association of Technology Parks (IASP) in 2011-2013, and served on the executive committees of the Association of Business Incubators, Parks and Technological Poles of the Argentine Republic (AIPyPT) and the Federation Buenos Aires Science and Technology Parks. He is an ambassador for the Innovation Park of the city of Buenos Aires and coordinates the innovation and entrepreneurship office at Maimonides University.

He has coordinated a project for the implementation of the Program for the creation of the Network of Incubators of Tourism Companies of the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina and has carried out activities in the Secretariat of Science and Technology of Argentina. He has published, among others, the following articles and works: “Creation and Sustainability of Business Development Support Centers”, 2014; "The role of universities in regional development: entrepreneurship and innovation”, 2011.

  1. Name
    Esteban Pablo Cassin
  2. Location
    Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  1. Type
  2. Member category
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