Nanjing University National Science Park
Nanjing University National University Science and Technology Park is a pioneering institution recognized by China's Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education. Established in 2001, the park serves as an integral part of Nanjing University's mission to become a "Double First-Class" institution. Focused on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, the park offers an expansive ecosystem that bridges the gap between academia, industry, and government.
The park's core functions encompass the integration of innovative resources, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and incubation of tech ventures. With a presence in multiple locations the park serves as a significant engine for economic transformation in Jiangsu Province and Nanjing City. It provides multiple stages of support for science and technology enterprises, ranging from crowd-creation spaces to incubators and accelerators.
The park is also home to a governance committee that ensures alignment with the university's broader mission and goals. Since its inception, the committee has been committed to enhancing the park's contribution to science, technology, and the economy, serving as a key enabler in turning scientific and technological achievements into real-world solutions.
- NameNanjing University National Science Park
- LocationNanjing, China

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- Main technology sectorsName:Biomedical EngineeringName:Energy Saving and ConservationName:EnvironmentName:ICT & Communications
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryGeneral Contact