Nanjing Gulou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
The Nanjing Gulou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, is a provincial high-tech development area in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. It integrates three sectors and englobes several innovation activities, covering approximately 9.96 square kilometers. 5000 companies reside in the zone and 24 incubators, totally 700 incubated companies.
The zone is actively developing key industries, including high-end business and commerce, with a focus on software and information services. By building the "112" innovation ecological system, it aims to strengthen future industrial development and position itself as a hub for cutting-edge technologies. In the cultural tourism sector, it aims is to establish 300 above-standard units in the cultural industry, with cultural creativity and design services.
In the software technology sector, the zone promotes the growth of big data, cloud computing, 5G applications, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and industrial internet services.
- NameNanjing Gulou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
- LocationNanjing, China

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Advanced Services in Technology TransferName:Energy Saving and ConservationName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Internet Technologies and ServicesName:Software Engineering
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull