Fars Science and Technology Park - FSTP
Fars Science and Technology Park (FSTP) is a science park located in Shiraz, Iran, authorized by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The FSTP encompasses three incubator centers and a multi-tenant building for entrepreneur companies (graduated companies from incubators) in 20 ha of land North-West of Shiraz city, along with eight affiliated centers distributed in different cities of the Fars province.
The FSTP provides an appropriate environment for professional presence of small and medium technical companies and their research and development offices established by innovators. A major goal of FSTP is to constructively and effectively connect companies, universities, research centers and large industries. In addition, the FSTP works to create job opportunities for universities graduates, researchers and provide internship opportunities.
- NameFars Science and Technology Park - FSTP
- LocationShiraz, Iran

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Agriculture and ForestryName:BiotechnologyName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:Electrical Power Science and TechnologyName:EnergyName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Manufacturing and Automation Technologies
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull