Mazandaran STP

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Background information

Mazandaran Science and Technology Park (MSTP), under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, works to support the establishment, growth, development and prosperity of startups and research institutions in the knowledge economy.

Launched in 2010, MSTP’s vision is to become an internationally recognised hub for applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship, and to provide a sturdy and productive platform for technology-focused research, commercialization and enterprise growth in Mazandaran.

Services offered to resident companies at MSTP include needs-assessment, ideation, R&D, engineering design, IP (intellectual property), commercialization, technology transfer, and support for manifesting the innovative visions of new knowledge-based businesses. The park also offers tax and customs exemptions to its companies, as well as support in credit financing, legal advice, and facilitating access to international competitions, festivals and markets. It was designed to offer entrepreneurs, researchers, visitors and students access to office space and shared amin services, customised labs and training facilities, and conference and event space.

MSTP’s key sectors include agriculture, fisheries, natural resources, health, information technology, tourism, and engineering. Home to over 60 companies, MSTP also runs several incubators across the province.

2017_10_23_Iran_Manzadaran STP
  1. Name
    Mazandaran STP
  2. Location
    Sari, Iran
  1. Website
  2. Main technology sectors
    Agriculture and Forestry
    Computer Science and Hardwares
    Food Sciences
    Sport, Tourism, Entertainment
  3. Type
    Science Park
  4. Member category