Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft Ulm mbH
Science Park Ulm offers companies direct access to a unique research landscape in which ivory towers are opened, inhibitions are broken down, entrepreneurial thinking is encouraged and important future fields are competently addressed. Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft Ulm mbH (PEG), a company owned by the city of Ulm, is the first point of contact for all matters relating to the Science Park Ulm (
Science Park Ulm concentrates primarily on fields of technology that build on the existing potential of science and industry in the region and are in demand on the market. The focus is on the research areas of ‘alternative energies’ and energy storage as well as car IT and areas of medicine.
The Science Park is an integral part of the Science City Ulm. This means that, on the one hand, the companies in the Science Park participate in the work of the university, the university of applied sciences and Ulm's research institutions. On the other hand, they feed these institutions with practical research needs. This results in close networking and co-operation on many levels.
As a regional competence centre for AI, the KICU is a dynamic hub for AI engagement and offers over 1,100 square metres of work, research and presentation space. As an incubator, it promotes synergies and the exchange of knowledge between a wide range of stakeholders to advance AI technologies and ideas. It is an inspiring place where ideas meet reality and collaborations between research and industry emerge, supported by an infrastructure that invites networking and promotes dialogue between science and business. The KICU is open to a wide range of AI-related topics and activities. (
The TFU is part of the Science City Ulm and the Science Park Ulm. The TFU (TechnologieFörderungsUnternehmen GmbH), the start-up and technology centre for the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region, offers advice on start-up issues, support with financing, provision of premises and a wide range of services for successful business start-ups. (
- NameProjektentwicklungsgesellschaft Ulm mbH
- LocationUlm, Germany

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- Main technology sectorsName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:Motor Vehicles Technology
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull