ODTÜ Teknokent Yonetim A.S.
Considered Turkey’s first science park, ODTU TEKNOKENT is currently home to more than 420 tenant companies, 70% of which were initiated the park and employ more than 10000 personnel, 90% of whom have university degrees.
Founded in 2000, its resident companies focus on R&D activities in software and information technologies (50%), electronics (20%), mechanics and design (15%), medical technologies (6%), energy and environment (6%) and advanced materials, agriculture, food, aviation and space, automotive that account for the remaining 3% altogether.
ODTU TEKNOKENT runs a range of programmes for its resident companies and entrepreneurs, including “New Ideas New Businesses Acceleration Programme” and “Animation Technologies and Game Development Center” as pre-incubation programmes and incubation centers to promote technology-based entrepreneurship. The park also offers Technopreneurship Incubation Centers, an Accelerator and Investor "Growth Circuit" developed as a financial tool and the ODTÜ Technology Transfer Office for the commercialization of academic know-how.The park is also home to Defence, ICT and health clusters which increase collaboration among companies, as well as liaison offices abroad to pave the way for international cooperation.
- NameODTÜ Teknokent Yonetim A.S.
- LocationAnkara (N/A), Türkiye

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- Main technology sectorsName:Computer Science and HardwaresName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Military and DefenseName:Software Engineering
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull