Qassim University - Incubators

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Background information
Qassim University is committed to fostering a culture of innovation and creativity in alignment with the objectives of Vision 2030. Through its Center for Innovation and Intellectual Property, the university works to safeguard and promote the rights of innovators and entrepreneurs by offering essential support and resources. The center plays a crucial role in nurturing groundbreaking ideas and facilitating their transformation into market-ready products. It is responsible for registering intellectual property and ensuring innovators receive the necessary protection and guidance to thrive. In addition, the university operates two incubators, currently supporting 28 startups across a variety of sectors, including agriculture, biotechnology, chemistry, civil engineering, electronics, and energy.
  1. Name
    Qassim University - Incubators
  2. Location
    Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
  1. Website
  2. Twitter profile
  3. Main technology sectors
    Advanced Services in Technology Transfer
  4. Type
    Business Incubator
  5. Member category