Limburg DC
Health Campus Limburg is a hub of innovation in healthcare based in Diepenbeek, Belgium. Its goal is to stimulate collaborations, entrepreneurship, innovation and valorisation to build a more qualitative healthcare system and to strengthen the health economy in Limburg province.
The Campus focuses its activities on supporting projects which strengthen collaboration between healthcare, knowledge institutions, governments and business, and on attracting and supporting businesses and research in life sciences. The Health Campus welcomes startups as well as mature companies, and close contacts between the Campus and knowledge institutions enable access to the talent pool for businesses and research.
Specialising in life sciences, Health Campus Limburg is already home to research organizations specialized in biomedical research, rehabilitation sciences and data science with Bioville as its centre for healthcare activities. More development is planned: in 2023, the construction of an inspiration and innovation hub will start, offering shared facilities, including rooms for training, rooms for research and collaboration and meeting places.
The Campus is also developing 15.000m² of business space, consisting of both office space and specialized labs, meeting rooms to cleanrooms, with a largely modular approach. Specific focus domains will be digital and data driven healthcare, research of patient-centred health and life sciences, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, reinforced primary care and progress towards more integrated care and rehabilitation across healthcare disciplines.
- NameLimburg DC
- LocationDiepenbeek, Belgium

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Health & Pharmaceuticals
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull