Innlandet Science Park
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Background information
Innlandet Science park (InSP) Kongsvinger is located right next to the university buildings and is open to occupancy since April 2024. The project consists of an area of nearly 5,600 square meters spread over four floors. Actors such as Klosser Innovation, 7Sterke, Høgskolestiftelsen, CREDS, Telenor, Mapei, Fram, Twoday, Eidsiva, Sealing system, 4 Subsea, Gnist Media, Steer and Fjordkraft are part of InSP Kongsvinger. The park works as a junction box to connect environments that help strengthen the prerequisites for growth and development in the region and offers spaces, an open environment and a platform designed for continuous learning, sharing and interaction.
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- NameInnlandet Science Park
- LocationNes, Norway

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- Main technology sectors
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull