Creative Science Park - Aveiro Region
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Background information
Created in 2010, the PCI · Creative Science Park's mission is to be the strategic and operational promoter of innovation, knowledge and entrepreneurship in the Aveiro Region, through the installation, development, promotion and management of a Science and Technology Park and the provision of the support services necessary for its activity, contributing to the strengthening of competitiveness, the establishment of qualified human resources, the production and scientific, technological, educational and cultural research of the Region.
Logo: /canvascolor(0xffffffff)/MemberLogo-54503-6263.jpg)
- NameCreative Science Park - Aveiro Region
- LocationÍlhavo, Portugal

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:EnergyName:Food SciencesName:ICT & CommunicationsName:MaterialsName:Services for Business and Industry
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull