Technoport Ltd. is the first technology business incubator in Luxembourg. Although tech oriented, it remains generic in the targeted sectors; from space to ICT, health, environment or industry, just to name a few. Being located in one of the most cosmopolitan countries, Technoport welcomes companies and entrepreneurs from all over the world, no matter the development stage, the sector or the industry.
With more than 24 years of experience in the field of incubation it supports teams to validate and further develop their concepts by combining tailor-made services, infrastructures and dynamic professional business environments and networks.
As an essential link in the City of Science and Innovation in Belval, it plays also a role of test lab to design, test, implement and occasionally transfer new services and initiatives for the benefit of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Luxembourg (i.e. hackathons, digital fabrication labs, digital experience labs, ...).
- NameTechnoport
- LocationEsch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:AudiovisualName:Cultural Industry and HumanitiesName:EnvironmentName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Software Engineering
- TypeBusiness Incubator
- Member categoryFull