Prince Turki Bin Mohammad Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship

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Background information

Prince Turki Bin Mohammad Bin Fahd Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship serves as an incubator for the excellence endeavours for PMU current students and alumni. It works to nurture and grow new and small business opportunities by providing mentor support through the different developmental stages of their enterprise.

Its mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of creativity and entrepreneurship through a broad range of activities including academics, research, conferences, competitions, community and global outreach and expanding the practice of entrepreneurship through different types of co-curricular programs and global collaborative initiatives that inspire and inform entrepreneurial thought and action, and aligning research outcomes with industrial needs.

Services include workshops to promote creativity and innovation, and a business incubator offering patent support to prospective entrepreneurs, conceptual prototyping and support to match interests & collaborate with industrial partners.

  1. Name
    Prince Turki Bin Mohammad Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship
  2. Location
    Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia
  1. Website
  2. Main technology sectors
    Internet Technologies and Services
    Renewable Energies
    Transportation logistics
  3. Type
    Business Incubator
  4. Member category