Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia (known as Tecnópole) is responsible for managing the infrastructure, spaces, resources and services for companies, entrepreneurs and projects that use them as tools for growth, innovation and knowledge.
Opened in 1993, Tecnópole was founded by the Galician Autonomous Government, with support from the three Galician Universities, the Regional Government of Ourense, and the municipal governments of Ourense and San Cibrao das Viñas. Its principal goal is to promote knowledge and innovation in business activity, and to support and strengthen innovative new businesses.
Nearly a hundred hectares of industrial land, offer versatile spaces of the finest class in terms of innovation and a range of services which include a fibre optic network and a secure high-speed network, VoIP data telephone network, virtual private networks for broadband internet access, network backup, secure e-mail, wireless connectivity, access control, online incident management, training, reception and courier, classrooms and meeting rooms, media advice, medical centre, sports facilities and, in the field of scientific and technological infrastructures, the offer of a leading biotechnology testing laboratory or an experimental renewable energies centre to the Galician business world.
The advanced services offered to all companies at Tecnópole are permanent resources of specialized support, these include the feasibility study office for the start-up of i+D+i projects, meetings between companies for supply and demand exchanges and also, through its participation in competitive events in order to obtain funds that allow it to carry out its own projects for companies and centres.
In the scientific and technological dissemination field, a young innovative talent show called Galiciencia has been organized each year since 2006 on the occasion of Science Week. Thanks to this initiative, other activities have also been developed such as Espectáculos de ciencia, T2W and Aulas Tecnópole to teach high schoolers about innovative entrepreneurship skills..Active collaboration links are maintained with universities, research centres and companies with the aim of promoting i+D+i activities and business development and competitiveness.
- LocationSan Cibrao das Viñas, Spain

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectors
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull