Business Turku
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Background information
The Turku region – Turku Business Region – is the most dynamic cluster of business and innovation activities in Finland. Turku Business Region gathers together the Turku region businesses, universities, organisations and municipalities. The 22,000 companies, six universities, and an extensive co-operation network of different players in the region speed up the generation of new products and services as well as growth of business operations and local well-being. The co-ordination of the business and innovation services in the region is the responsibility of the regional development company Turku Science Park Ltd. The expanding and increasingly international Turku Science Park, the cluster of maritime and manufacturing industry Blue Industry Park being built near the Turku shipyard, the experience and event centre planned in the Turku railway yard, and Turku’s new vision for the city-centre give a boost for the future of the Turku region on the whole. The strong growth is supported by the versatile supply of plots and commercial premises. Ready and zoned space for business operation is available within excellent connections, less than half an hour drive away from an international airport and ports. The spearhead field of Turku Business Region are CleanTurku (bio and circular economies and cleantech), HealthTurku (health and well-being), ExperienceTurku (movies, games, experience industry), MaritimeTurku (maritime industry), and TechTurku (manufacturing and technology industries)
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- NameBusiness Turku
- LocationTurku, Finland

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:EnvironmentName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & CommunicationsName:MaterialsName:Software Engineering
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull