Mersin Teknopark
Established in June 2005, Mersin Technology Development Zone, or Technoscope, leverages research and development from Mersin University, industry leaders, and other institutions. Its mission is to advance new technologies and facilitate their transition into industrial production, boosting Mersin’s competitiveness both nationally and internationally. Technoscope is committed to supporting innovative ideas and technological development, as well as enhancing regional research and development capabilities.
Mersin Technopark actively seeks to attract international software and technology giants, alongside national companies specialising in software and high technology, and to create and grow firms with high technology production potential. Currently, the park is home to 110 companies. Through its incubator, which supports 35 startups, Technoscope provides resources to young entrepreneurs with marketable ideas, as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises and established companies engaged in using high or advanced technologies.
Collaborating closely with local universities and chambers of commerce, Technoscope draws businesses in strategic sectors such as agriculture, food, chemistry, electronics, IT, biotechnology, nanotechnology, energy, and environmental technologies. For its resident companies, Technoscope offers services including access to an angel investor network, assistance in identifying funding sources, and a favourable tax regime for researchers, companies, and their staff aimed at fostering the creation of high-quality jobs.
- NameMersin Teknopark
- LocationMERSİN, Türkiye

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- Main technology sectorsName:Software and System DevelopmentName:Software Engineering
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull