Ari Teknokent - Istanbul Technical University´s Technopark
ITU ARI Teknokent is a technology development area providing a favourable environment and opportunities to enable technology companies and entrepreneurs to develop and commercialize their technology.
The park works to advance technological development in Turkey and to create a culture of entrepreneurship, using ITU’s academic power to accomplish innovations rather than follow. Located on the ITU Ayazağa Campus, ITU ARI Teknokent was founded on an area of 1,655,000 m2 with 10 buildings, supporting over 2500 successful R&D projects (148 of which are patented) and $40 million exports. A total of 276 R&D resident companies have reached a total of $752 million turnover with over 7000 employees.
ITU ARI Teknokent believes in “planting culture” and “value adding” through its activities and the programs developed. As a local and national hub for R&D and innovation, the tecknopark encourages academics from the Istanbul Technical University to share their expertise with resident companies. ITU ARI Teknokent runs a series of programmes for resident companies and entrepreneurs, including ITU Seed, the Early-stage Incubation Center for entrepreneurs that want to turn their ideas into commercializable products or services. It also runs ITU Magnet, the Late-stage Entrepreneurship Center for entrepreneurs and startups that have succeeded in turning their ideas into products; ITU Gate, the International Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme for companies that are to introduce their products to the global market, and ITUNOVA TTO, the technology transfer interface of ITU.
- NameAri Teknokent - Istanbul Technical University´s Technopark
- LocationMaslak, Türkiye

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- Main technology sectorsName:Computer Science and HardwaresName:Electrical Power Science and TechnologyName:EnergyName:EnvironmentName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Materials
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull