Innovation and Training Park Prizren
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Background information
Co-financed by the German and Kosovo governments, and implemented by GIZ, ITP Prizren is located in the well-maintained infrastructure of the former KFOR camp and establishes cooperative linkages among different stakeholders, offering an environment that fosters synergies between the private and public sectors, civil society organizations (NGOs and other non-profit entities) and academia. ITP Prizren includes 40 hectares of green spaces and 50 buildings and targets Kosovan regional & international companies that commercialize innovation from research and product development activities and offers possibilities for praxis-oriented learning. A 500 m2 incubator complements the activities of the park, mainly orientated towards ICT and communication, green energy and environmental technologies and creative and cultural industries.
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- NameInnovation and Training Park Prizren
- LocationPrizren, Kosovo

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:ICT & Communications
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull