Kyoto Research Park
Kyoto Research Park opened in 1989 as the first privately operated research park in Kyoto, Japan, with the support of Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City and the local industry. Since it opened in 1989, Kyoto Research Park has expanded its operations and now hosts over 420 resident tenant companies and institutions in the fields of ICT, Biotech, Electronics, Machinery and other related industries. KRP aims to be the base for all new business creation and the host for collaboration between government, industry and academia in the Kyoto Region.
Kyoto Research Park provides various services to its residents as well as to the Kyoto region in general. The first is Spatial Services. The Second service is the Support Services. The Support Services consist from New Business Creation Activities and Business Support Activities, as well as Various services ranging from facilities that respond to the needs of companies and research institutes in a wide range of industries and from consultation on management, technology, patents etc. to human resource development support. All of these services come together to ensure that KRP provides the best possible environment for innovation.
- NameKyoto Research Park
- LocationKyoto, Japan

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:Computer Science and HardwaresName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Manufacturing and Automation TechnologiesName:Services for Business and Industry
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull