ZEDE del Litoral

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Background information
The ZEDE del Litoral, which stands for Zona Especial de Desarrollo Económico del Litoral, is a special economic zone created in April 2017 and located in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Its objectives are to promote technology transfer, entrepreneurship, regional development and constant innovation within the 200 hectares designated for this zone. ZEDE del Litoral offers benefits to its resident companies as an economic development zone, and they include preference in public procurement, access to human resources, strategic location within Ecuador, income tax reduction, proximity to ports and airports, and tax exemption in foreign trade. Companies can access additional services such as consultancy, business intelligence, market analysis, project management and training.
  1. Name
    ZEDE del Litoral
  2. Location
    Guayalquil, Ecuador
  1. Website
  2. Twitter profile
  3. Main technology sectors
    Agriculture and Forestry
    ICT & Communications
  4. Type
    Area of Innovation
  5. Member category
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