Sofia Tech Park

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Background information

Sofia Tech Park is the first science and technology park in Bulgaria, and a hub for global, regional and national researchers, innovative startups and mature companies in Bulgaria and the Balkans.

In collaboration with private and public institutions, universities, and business clusters, Sofia Tech Park creates and manages a unique innovation environment, providing support to commercialise new technologies, products and services with a focus on ICT, life sciences and clean energy. Infrastructure includes a business incubator, a laboratory complex, the Innovation Forum event center and TechnoMagicLand, an interactive exhibition for children.

The incubator supports over 40 startups offering innovative products, services and ideas, with specially designed offices and the new coworking space Groworking. Startups can also participate in the Sofia Tech Innovators Programme, a tech agnostic, flexible, programme, tailored to young innovators in South East Europe that combines incubation, acceleration and tech transfer.

The Laboratory Complex consists of 11 high-tech labs, open to resident companies and to the private sector for developing individual projects for goods and services, whose aim is to go beyond the go-to-market stage.

A Petascale Supercomputer will be established within Sofia Tech Park in 2021 as part of the Euro HPC network to support research and innovation activities. It will be open to public and private users, including SMEs at Bulgarian, regional and European level, and will be optimized to work in bioinformatics, pharmacy, molecular dynamics and mechanics, quantum chemistry and biochemistry, AI and more.Sofia Tech Park is also working to become Digital Innovation Hub, focused on Data Science, High performance computing and AI, to be a regional one stop shop, supporting digital transformation of industry & society with a focus on High Value-Added Manufacturing, Smart cities, Biotech, Life science & Drug Discovery

  1. Name
    Sofia Tech Park
  2. Location
    Sofia, Bulgaria
  1. Website
  2. Twitter profile
  3. Main technology sectors
    ICT & Communications
  4. Type
    Science Park
  5. Member category
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