Science and Technology Park, Chiang Mai University
Science and Technology Park Chiang Mai University (STeP) is an internal academic department of Chiang Mai University, that was established from a cooperation agreement between 7 faculties.
Its goal is to be a bridge for innovation by connecting and integrating work between Chiang Mai University and industry, the private sector, government agencies, and the public and social sector outside the university. Drawing on the resources and research expertise available at the university STeP creates value in the form of knowledge/research advocacy. The park supports research commercialization, fosters a sustainable community and advances social development by integrating the knowledge, research and technology of Chiang Mai University.
Under a Quadruple Helix model, STeP provides inclusive platforms which connect the academic sector, private sector, government, and local community to develop products, processes, and services using science, technology, and innovation. Enhancing technology commercialization with experienced specialists, it offers a one stop service for technology business development with quality infrastructure as well as a smart business incubation system for tech startups and innovative entrepreneurs.
STeP also runs the Northern Science Park (Chiang Mai Province) with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (TSU). It manages a university network together with 13 other universities in the northern region, creating a vibrant innovation ecosystem using the power of universities to create regional competitiveness, improve the quality of life of local people and be a part of driving Thailand 4.0.
- NameScience and Technology Park, Chiang Mai University
- LocationMuang, Thailand

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Advanced Services in Technology TransferName:Consulting and AdviceName:Other Services for Business and Industry
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull