PCT Villa Clara

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Background information

Villa Clara is in the process of establishing an Industrial Scientific Technological Park to enhance the interaction between science, innovation, and production in the region, a pivotal step towards the country's development. Spearheaded by TECNOSIME, an organization dedicated to fostering technological advancements and commercial services, the initiative is envisioned to incubate fresh ideas, foster new projects, and create modern industrial enterprises.

The park, structured as a Sociedad Mercantil (private enterprise), enjoys support from the government and several industrial sectors, and aims to cultivate collaborative efforts, improve product quality, and propel industrial growth. With an initial portfolio of 20 project ideas, the park is on track to solidify this innovative endeavor in the early part of 2024.

  1. Name
    PCT Villa Clara
  2. Location
    Santa Clara, Cuba
  1. Twitter profile
  2. Main technology sectors
    Mechanics, Subassemblies, Components
  3. Type
    Science Park
  4. Member category