ROAD (Rome Advanced District)
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Background information
Founded in 2022 and spanning an area of 130,000 m2 in Rome's Ostiense district, Rome Advanced District (ROAD) is a collaborative initiative promoted by Eni in partnership with Acea, Autostrade per l'Italia, Bridgestone, Cisco, Ferrovie dello Stato, and Nextchem. It serves as a dynamic meeting point for sustainable innovation, bridging the gap between the public and private sectors to shape Rome's future. With a focus on accessibility and inclusivity, ROAD creates an open entrepreneurial ecosystem where engineers, designers, natural and social scientists join forces to develop solutions for decarbonization, circular economy, agritech and water management, renewable energy sources, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, and smart cities.
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- NameROAD (Rome Advanced District)
- LocationRoma, Italy

- Twitter profile
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- Main technology sectorsName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:Cultural Industry and HumanitiesName:EnergyName:Land TransportationName:Services for Business and Industry
- TypeArea of Innovation
- Member categoryFull