KAUST Research and Technology Park (KRTP)
KAUST Research and Technology Park provides an environment for technology-based businesses to access KAUST laboratories, faculty and student talent, as well as a network of public spaces and facilities designed for creative collision and knowledge-sharing.
The park fosters links between KAUST and industry—as well as among the network of tenants, startups and service providers located there.
Research facilities and support services help companies establish business office space, laboratory space, multi-purpose incubator space or their own R&D, technical service or demonstration facilities. Key facilities include incubators for technology startups, dedicated research facilities and services, outdoor testing facilities & field stations, access to world-class procurement and supply chain management services and to KAUST’s state-of-the-art Core Labs, a chemical warehouse, hazardous materials storage & disposal and business and marketing consultation services.
Located 80 kilometres north of Jeddah on the Red Sea, a few minutes from King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), and along a future high-speed rail line connecting to the Jeddah International Airport, KAUST is a research centre, a university town and an important source of regional growth.
The park currently covers roughly 2.7 million square meters of space near the heart of KAUST’s campus. All buildings within the park have a minimum of LEED Silver certification as defined by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Buildings conserve water through the use of a local desalination plant and have been designed to optimize energy performance.
- NameKAUST Research and Technology Park (KRTP)
- LocationThuwal, Saudi Arabia

- Twitter profile
- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:EnergyName:Environment
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull