City of Gdynia - Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia
Pomeranian Science and Technology Park is a technology park in Gdynia, Poland. It is a creative location for producing and researching new technical solutions and developing innovative companies. The Pomeranian Science and Technology Park provides outstanding conditions for implementation of ideas based on innovative technologies, specifically in biotechnology and environment protection, computer science, electronics and telecommunication as well as industrial design. The main idea of PSTP is to concentrate multiple factors related to companies’ development, facilitating running business activities, transfer and implementation of technology in a relatively small space. Pomeranian Science and Technology Park offers modern space for office premises and laboratories, conference and exhibition halls, prototype rooms, leisure area, services of two entities: EXPERYMENT Science Centre and Regional Patent Information Centre.
PSTP is founded upon the collaboration of multiple entities – research and development centres, academic facilities, business entities, counselling, financial and training institutions. With these tools, PSTP is able to provide special organisational, legal and financial conditions to its residents, alongside technology transfer support in order to secure low overheads and convenient conditions for running business for entrepreneurs, students, residents of the region and graduates alike. There are currently 70 companies operating within the area of Pomeranian Science and Technology Park.
- NameCity of Gdynia - Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia
- LocationGdynia, Poland

- Website
- Twitter profile
- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:Consulting and AdviceName:Cultural Industry and HumanitiesName:ElectronicsName:EnvironmentName:Human ResourcesName:ICT & Communications
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull