
Registration for HVC KYOTO 2024 Demo Day is now open

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Shigekata Mizuno
- Kyoto Research Park Corp.
User info - details - for blog detail layout:
Shigekata Mizuno
- Kyoto Research Park Corp.
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Kyoto Research Park (KRP) has opened registration for attending the Demo Day of the Healthcare Venture Conference Kyoto 2024 (HVC KYOTO), including the Finalists' Pitch and Keynote Speech, on 9 July 2024 at KRP.

If you cannot attend in person, an archived video will be available about a month later. Both in-person attendees and video viewers must register via this website. For assistance with registration, contact the event secretary.

  • Date: 9 July 2024 (Tuesday) - Demo Day Day 2 (Finalists' Pitch, Keynote Speech)
  • Venue: Building #4, Kyoto Research Park (93, Chudoji Awata-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)
  • Contents: Pitches by startups, keynote speeches by experts from Japan and abroad
  • Admission: Free (advance registration is required)
  • Language: English (with simultaneous audio interpretation)
  • Registration (apply to view): https://hvckyoto2024.peatix.com

*If you cannot attend in person on Day 2, an archived viewing will be available approximately one month later.

More information here.

For enquiries & contacts: Nagata, Innovation Design Dept., Kyoto Research Park Corp. (E-mail: hvckyoto@krp.co.jp)

HVC KYOTO (Healthcare Venture Conference KYOTO) is an "innovation platform" for startups and entrepreneurial-minded researchers in the healthcare field aiming for overseas expansion. It also supports business companies, investors, incubators, and others actively involved in open innovation.

Among the year-round programmes, the Demo Day held every July is conducted entirely in English to facilitate global market entry. Over the past eight Demo Day events, a total of 149 selected startups have participated.

Following their presentations, these startups have achieved significant success, including major business partnerships, various awards, and fundraising.

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