Latvian Technological Center
The Latvian Technological Center is a technology and innovation-oriented business support structure located in Riga, Latvia. The Technological Center was inaugrated in 1993 and functions as a business acceleration centre with the aim of encouraging the development of knowledge based SMEs by creating relationships between research and industry as well as encouraging SMEs for trans-national cooperation.
The main objectives of LTC are the following: to fill the gap between institutions of higher education and research and industry; to promote foundation of small and medium sized enterprises for production of technology-based and high-tech products; to create contacts between industry and research laboratories; to promote international economic and scientific collaboration for development of competitive products; to create jobs for highly-qualified craftsmen and researchers; To promote the formation of society open to innovation.
LTC is registered in the Register of Research Institutions at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (since 2006) LTC was founded by Riga Municipality, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Energetics and Latvian National Quality Association. LTC management is supervised by board, whose members are appointed by the founders which are state owned organizations and regional government.
- NameLatvian Technological Center
- LocationRiga, Latvia

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:Chemistry and ChemicalsName:Electrical Power Science and TechnologyName:EnergyName:Environment
- TypeOther
- Member categoryFull