
IASP Members Day connects global innovation ecosystems in the virtual space

25 February 2021
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IASP members worldwide connect on Gatherly

IASP members from around the world got together at the virtual IASP Members Day on February 23rd, for informal networking and knowledge sharing about the issues affecting innovation ecosystems in current times.

Held on a videochat platform structured like a virtual building, it recreated the in-person networking experience, allowing spontaneous mingling and new conversations. In a 2-hour session, global colleagues dropped in and out of different groups, had a virtual coffee together, and met the IASP team. Joined  in the ‘IASP Leadership Corner’ by IASP Vice President Herbert Chen (TusPark, China) and members of the International Board of Directors, including Asia Pacific President Suwipa Wanasathop (Thailand Science Park, Thailand), CEO Ebba Lund greeted members who called in to chat and talk about their innovation projects around the world, before heading off to explore the rest of the building.

As well as socialising, members also moved between discussion groups exploring the STP/AOI value proposition, hearing different perspectives on which facilities and companies are open, what’s on hold, and how STPs and AOIs will reopen innovation spaces post-pandemic. Alongside co-anchors, IASP Chairman Paul Krutko (Ann Arbor SPARK, USA) and European Division President Lena Miranda (Linköping Science Park, Sweden) led conversations in two groups, while others anchored by past presidents Jean-Francois Balducchi and Josep Piqué covered stakeholder engagement in current times. Key themes included governance, how parks relate to shareholders and stakeholders and new ways to sell them ideas and projects while also preparing for post-pandemic times. Members also emphasised ongoing efforts to listen to and meet the changing needs of their companies, compared notes on the challenges of remote working, and a trend of exodus from cities with high rents to cheaper, more remote locations.

IASP CEO Ebba Lund commented: “Videochats are the next best way meet, greet and debate in times where we cannot see each other in person, and the IASP Members Day was a great opportunity for international colleagues to stay in touch. It was a valuable moment to share our perspectives on our industry from around the world, as well as catch up on a more personal level. Thanks to all the members who participated and made it such a success."

The IASP Members Day was the first of our ‘Tuesdays with IASP’ activities: coming up next we have a webinar with our 1st place Inspiring Solutions winner NOI TechPark (Italy), who will be telling us more about their miniNOI science club for kids on March 9th - you can register here. And on March 23rd, 2nd place winner Biopark (Brazil) who will be talking about their Biopark Science Club - sign up here.

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