New member from Qazaqstan joins IASP
Technopark Astana Business Campus is an innovative platform that brings together scientists, young entrepreneurs, businesses, leading experts and investors in order to commercialize the results of innovation activities and ensure returns on investment. Launched in 2017, it occupies a special economic zone across three sites, one of which is co-located with the Nazarbayev University.
The park’s mission is the innovative development of the city of Astana by attracting investment, to develop advanced technologies and know-how, and to create modern infrastructure. It aims to create competitive high-tech industries in the field of manufacturing, and to accelerate the development of new technologies as well as create a favourable climate for R&D and the commercialization of innovation.
With a focus on green technologies, ICT, biotech, new materials, design & production and robotics, the park offers infrastructure including a machine shop, FabLab, a digital creativity lab and biotech lab, as well as office space and shared laboratories. It also offers a business incubator for early stage startups and an acceleration programme to support growing companies and help them find investors. The park hosts regular national and international events, including hackathons.
Energy efficiency is a key sector at Astana, and the park is home to the Shell Yurt climate laboratory, an energy-efficient building with the concept of carbon neutral house that uses alternative energy sources. The complex uses a geothermal heat pump, energy-efficient lighting, and ventilation with heat recovery as well as a system of automation and control of indoor air parameters, energy consumption and its optimization.
To learn more about the park, please visit