Big Science Path

Keywords: knowledge sharing, networking
Launch date:
23 November 2017
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
The BIG Science path is Wroclaw Technology Parks response to the wealth of big science projects currently underway around the world, but especially focussing on those nearby, in Europe (European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Fusion for Energy ITER, European Space Agency ESA). It is designed to help bridge any perceived gap between large-scale science projects and our talented and innovative SMEs and start-ups.
What is the purpose of your solution
Like all large, well-known institutions, companies or projects, the perception from the outside looking in can be one of inferiority or inaccessibility. ""They will never listen to me. Im too small to be heard or too insignificant to be considered"". WPT realises that this perception is an obstacle to innovation. The purpose of WPTs ""The BIG Science path programme is, therefore, to meet this perception head-on and change it.
What is innovative about it
It is a unique activity for a technology park to run such innovative project. In November 2017, WPT co-hosted a two-day conference in Wrocaw, with the Polish Coalition of Innovation. It was called Innovation Europe 2017Fly Me to Mars. This successful event attracted high-level representatives from big science projects all over the world who came to speak about the opportunities available to Polish industry. And Polish industry, with a focus on SMEs and start-ups, had the opportunity to demonstrate their technologies and present their experiences of working with big science projects. The theme ""Fly Me to Mars was in recognition of the combined elements of big science that are steering mankind towards a better understanding of our universe and thus, the popular belief that we should investigate the idea of colonising other planets. The event also demonstrated the very great importance that start-ups and SMEs play in the fulfilment of these grand, big science objectives. As such, WPTs The BIG Science path programme was launched offering bi-directional contact and accessibility for all concerned, nationally and internationally. Furthermore, this novel approach also galvanised a similarly innovative approach in the coordination of Polish International Liaison Officers (ILOs) assigned to big science projects. This coordination has since gone on to form the basis of a substantive redesign of the web portal,, due for launch in May/June 2018, through which, this idea of bi-directional accessibility between big science and Polish industry will be continued, encouraged and promoted.
What impact has your solution had
The potential for ""The BIG Science path is considerable in all directions. From the perspective of Polish industry and educational institutions, it will help to make accessible international science projects of considerable notoriety and relevance. This is an important step in Polands continued expansion into the international scientific community. The enhanced confidence and tools that will be enjoyed by those partaking of the initiatives available through this programme are expected to help root the current generation, and those to come, with the skills and experience to promote the best Poland has to offer. From the perspective of big science, it is intended to help reinforce the credibility and variety of talent available within Poland for assistance with these large-scale projects. It is also perceived to be an excellent spring-board for continued communications and strengthened relations between big science and Polish policy makers. Finally, from the perspective of other international companies looking for opportunities enhanced business opportunities, the appeal is believed to be obvious.
Who are the main users
"The BIG Science path is intended for use both by big science projects looking to offer their tenders for the supply of goods and services as well as Polish industry that may be able to fulfil those requests. As such, the programme is divided into two distinct parts. Nationally, the programme is designed to attract and inspire Polish industry, with particular focus on SMEs and start-ups, but also including those still in education. The programme aims to bring big science closer to these people with events, activities, workshops, information and advice all intended to promote a sense of accessibility and relevance between what is they are already achieving in Poland and what is required by big science. Internationally, the programme is designed to demonstrate the talent, ingenuity and creativity that Poland has to offer. It is believed that this will not only encourage enhanced and increased levels of business between big science projects and Poland, but will also help to develop ties with other international companies that may be seeking partnerships with the shared intent of doing business with each other and big science.
Who runs it
The project is run by Department of Commercialization and Development of Wrocaw Technology Park and Polish Industry Liaison Officers Network. Ms Sylwia Wójtowicz - the Director for Commercialization and Development of WPT is also CERN and ITER Polish Industry Liaison Officer.
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