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32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation 2015

Silent, emission free electric buses and tranquil urban oases - good prospects for tomorrow's cities

Beijing 2015 poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Mr. Björn Westling
    Ms. Maria Adahl
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2015
  4. Number of pages
This paper deals with two projects that address both the issue of e-mobility and sound pollution, two interrelated themes. Johanneberg Science Park is part of both projects with responsibility for city planning and urban development aspects. ElectriCity and Controllable Urban Soundscapes have been developed as separate projects addressing noise and emissions, paving way for integrated traffic and building solutions for dense, quiet and healthy cities. Now, the science park aims to combine results and knowledge from the two projects in a coordinated approach to achieve even greater impact. There is no shortage of projects that aim to explore new ideas and avenues to improve sustainability of urban life. However, true effectiveness and impact of such innovations often require that they be integrated as parts of larger schemes, on city or district level. In Gothenburg, Johanneberg Science Park assumes the role of coordinating urban sustainability initiatives in order to bring about just this.
  1. Conference name
    32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation 2015
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Areas of Innovation: New Technologies, New Industries, New Communities
  3. Location
    Beijing, China
  4. Conference start date
    01 December 2015
  5. Conference end date
    01 December 2015