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33rd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

Soft landing programmes

Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Vasily Petrechencko
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2016
  4. Place of publication
    Moscow, Russia
  5. Number of pages
Technology development in the long run is a major factor in increasing productivity, economic growth and welfare of the citizens' life. That is why many countries are supporting innovative and technology companies. One of such important support tools are Science and Technology Parks (STPs)- specialized clusters of innovative companies maintaining supportive environment for business and technology development. Quite often, parks are established by local authorities as a tool for regional economic development, jobs creation and an interface for cooperation of business and academic community (Mettler and Williams, 2011). For a long time the main purpose of STPs was to create convenient conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve the sustainable growth.\n\nHowever, technologies are becoming increasingly global in nature. Advanced research is getting too expensive for one country's economy. As a result, we can see the development of large-scale international research projects (e.g. CERN).
  1. Conference name
    33rd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    The Global Mind linking innovation communities for internationalisation, sustainability and growth
  3. Location
    Moscow, Russia
  4. Conference start date
    19 September 2016
  5. Conference end date
    22 September 2016