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32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

The experience of the Social Innovation Science Park MD in Cundinamarca: Current results and future challenges

Beijing 2015 poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Jefferson Arias
    Miguel Miguel González
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2015
  4. Number of pages
In Colombia, the presence of several social challenges requires that R&D capacities should focus in generating innovative alternatives to such problems. Since 2010, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO, with other public and research sector stakeholders, has design and implement the Social Innovation Science Park MD SISP, a platform to enhance social innovation. Based on the conceptual and strategic design of this Science Park, this work, aims to present the first results from SIPS, and some lessons learned in the relation between the Science Park and communities and territories where incubated projects are being carried out. The paper is organized as follows: First, it briefly introduces the conceptual\nand strategic proposal of the SISP; second, it present main results achieved in the period 2012-2015. Then, it discuss some lessons learned in the relation between the Science Park, the communities and territories where it has presence. Finally, it presents SIPS future challenges.
  1. Conference name
    32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Areas of Innovation: New Technologies, New Industries, New Communities
  3. Location
    Beijing, China
  4. Conference start date
    22 September 2015
  5. Conference end date
    25 September 2015