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31st IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

The Porto Digital Management Differentials and its Contributions to the Ecosystem

2013_07_23_Poster 2013 Doha_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Cidinha Gouveia
  2. Co-authors
    Francisco Saboya,
    Guilherme Calheiros,
    Polyana Targino,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    October 2014
  5. Place of publication
    Doha, Qatar
  6. Number of pages
The results of a technology park management are indispensable in the process of socio-economic development of a region. It´s through the existence of a park that its companies can take advantage of the benefits offered by it through their actions and articulations and achieving a higher level of competitiveness to stand out and grow towards an innovative and increasingly tight market. The management of a technology park is a key factor in its success, but is non-trivial to be done. Porto Digital is the best Brazilian technology park and can be considered a park management case study, as well as a replicable model. This article aims to present the management differentials of the park including its models of cooperation between Academy, Government and Market, along the way it has contributed to the local innovation ecosystem, playing a key role in the socioeconomic development of the region.
  1. Conference name
    31st IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks: Where Technology Goes to Work
  3. Location
    Doha, Qatar
  4. Conference start date
    19 October 2014
  5. Conference end date
    22 October 2014