Tianzuo Innovation (Beijing) Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd.

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Background information

Beijing NC Science & Technology Incubator Ltd provides value-added services and seed fund investment to science and technology-based companies. Run by the International Universities Innovation Alliance (IUIA), it specialises in the fields of Biotech, New Energy, New Materials and Environmental Protection, New technology and Blockchain, Its ultimate goal, as part of the IUIA, is to improve worldwide health, environmental protection and civilization through sustainable development via an entrepreneurship and innovation platform for global students and entrepreneurs. It helps to promote investment cooperation in innovative projects and trade, realize the polymerization of the world's top research universities and Chinese universities, enterprises and financial investment institutions, and industrialize and commercialize research results to promote the innovation and development of China and the world.

The Beijing NC Science & Technology Incubator is financed by return on equity and light asset operation rather than real estate rent, paid with projects landing and services by partners cooperated with building up International Innovation Centres.

2017_07_31 Beijing NC Science and Technology Incubator
  1. Name
    Tianzuo Innovation (Beijing) Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd.
  2. Location
    Beijing, China
  1. Website
  2. Main technology sectors
    New Materials
    Renewable Energies
  3. Type
    Business Incubator
  4. Member category
    General Contact