Established by a private university as a business and entrepreneurship centre, Bilkent Cyberpark is a technology hub that works to inspire entrepreneurs. Located in the Turkish capital Ankara, it offers a multitude of research, social, cultural, sports and residential facilities, as well as a hotel, convention centre and shopping centre. Its goals are to promote the growth of existing companies and the establishment of new companies with the potential to produce advanced technology.
The park cooperates closely with international institutions including the World Bank, and is a member of TechAnkara platform, which aims to increase cooperation among science parks in Ankara and promote Ankara as the technology capital of Turkey. Cyberpark brings together domestic and international high-tech companies, establishing mechanisms that provide synergies with universities and other public institutions, and marketing advanced technology products abroad to maximise international capital and support Turkey’s scientific development.
The park runs the first private technology incubator in Turkey, as well as several innovative programmes including the B2B Matching Methodology, which helps local SMEs to successfully find international partners and grow their businesses overseas. It also runs a technology commercialization bootcamp where entrepreneurs work in a team with real-life tech transfer officers to develop the best possible commercialization roadmap, using the methodology and tools offered by IC2 institute Instructors over a period of 3 months.
- LocationAnkara, Türkiye

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Computer Science and HardwaresName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Software Engineering
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull