Parque Tecnológico de Álava – Arabako Teknologia Parkea
Based in Miñano, Álava Technology Park acts as a focal point for the cutting edge of industry in Álava and the wider Basque Country, hosting a pool of companies, key agents and startups with a focus on Health and Biosciences; Energy and Environment; Aeronautical and Aerospace, Engineering; and ICT.
Since opening in 1992, the Park has established itself as a centre for knowledge and a base for major companies such as Tecnalia, Aernnova Aerospace, the Centro de Tecnologías Aeronáuticas (‘Centre for Aeronautical Technology’), Siemens Engines R&D, Neiker, CIC energiGUNE and the Biotechnology Institute (BIT) R+D. The Basque Cybersecurity Centre has further boosted the emergence of a strategic business sector located in the heart of Álava.
Álava is currently home to 144 companies which employ 3.357 people. Their impact on the economy of Álava equates to 6.3% of the region’s GDP.
As well as economic impact, the park works to promote science and technology in society with regular open days and summer camps, outreach among young people, and promoting the work of women in STEM fields.
Along with fellow IASP members Bizkaia STP and Gipuzkoa STP, Alava is part of the Basque Network of Technology Parks (RTPE), an ecosystem for knowledge and talent which acts as a driving force for the positioning of innovation and internationalisation at the centre of Basque industrial policy. Acting as a network they share talent, vision and knowledge in order to generate wealth and boost the quality of life in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Working alongside them are the three Basque universities, the centres for basic and excellence research (Basque Excellence Research Centres), business incubators, technology centres, business clusters and professional associations.
- NameParque Tecnológico de Álava – Arabako Teknologia Parkea
- LocationMiñano, Spain

- Website
- Twitter profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Aeronautics & AerodynamicsName:BiotechnologyName:EnergyName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Space Technology
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull