Peers around the world: perspectives for 2025 and beyond on innovation, growth, and entrepreneurship
This month, in our “Peers Around the World” series, where we hear from leaders in global innovation, we caught up with Jean-François Balducchi, CEO of Atlanpole, IASP Advisory Council President, and a France 2030 Ambassador for the General Secretariat for Investment. As we start 2025, we asked him to share his outlook for the coming year and the future, as well as to provide insight into the exciting trends that may be on the horizon for both French and international companies.
The France 2030 project aims at making the nation a leader in innovation and technology. How has your role as Ambassador for the General Secretariat for Investment shaped your perspective on the future of French technology companies? What trends do you see that might be taken to the global sphere?
My role as ambassador France 2030, appointed by the French Ministry of Research and Innovation, is to challenge future projects of national innovation programmes and to propose new ideas to help foster innovation and facilitate deep tech entrepreneurship.
Together with entrepreneurs and deep tech investment fund managers, I provide my vision of regional innovation ecosystems in order to address the true issues met by entrepreneurs throughout their long obstacles course toward success. Among the different topics I have been raising for the past two years, I would highlight, for example, the purchase and procurement policy of large companies vis a vis startups and SMEs. Large companies aim for stability, scalability, and compliance, while startups and SMEs prioritise speed, affordability, and innovation — it is important to find the right balance to address all needs.
One of the areas of focus for France 2030 investments is AI technology. You recently highlighted the role Atlanpole has in promoting judicious use of AI models, given their heavy energy consumption. What strategies can innovation spaces like Atlanpole implement to reduce this impact?
I’ll give you two different and complementary strategies:
As a regional innovation hub, Atlanpole has been implementing the Pays de la Loire European Digital Innovation Hub (DIVA for Digital Value Accelerator), aimed at encouraging SMEs to adopt a smart and appropriate use of AI.
As the deep tech regional incubator and accelerator, working closely with the academic sector, we source innovative spinoff projects, proposing disruptive solutions to increase computing power with more sober energy consumption.
Atlanpole is the driving force of the Greater Nantes Area of Innovation, and you have been at the helm of this important project for many years. It is a difficult job to juggle all the stakeholders involved, advocating for and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in this process?
Atlanpole is one of the main innovation hubs of western France, with strong, longtime support from both Region Pays de la Loire and Nantes Metropole. But many more stakeholders are involved, public and private, such as Nantes University, University Hospital, National Research institutes, and last but not least, more than 400 innovative companies (startups, SMEs with different maturity levels and from various industrial sectors, such as energy, mobility, life sciences, smart manufacturing, computer sciences, maritime industry, etc.).
This support is highly appreciated and provides significant value and strength to our actions, but requires a lot of energy and actions together with patience and a lot of pedagogic and diplomatic skills to keep the system sustainable and well-balanced. The necessary condition is a high value track record and an ongoing questioning process. In this respect, being part of an international innovation network such as IASP is definitely a strong asset and a unique opportunity to meet this requirement.
What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs or those looking to enter the world of innovation?
For aspiring entrepreneurs, I recommend having an open mind, curiosity, commitment and strong ambition for your community, faith in science, innovation…and in the human spirit!
As we are just starting 2025, what are your takeaways from 2024 and which ones do you think may also inspire others?
2024 illustrates more than ever the absolute necessity for all IASP members to be moving forward in the new year with determination, perseverance, and optimism. Each of us has in mind that innovation is key in a changing world. As we face such uncertainty in so many continents, countries, and regions, STPs and AOIs must play an increasingly significant and even decisive role in our respective ecosystems in order to promote a fair and steady economic development based on science and knowledge for the benefit of our respective communities and for the sake of our planet as well.
Now, looking towards the future, how do you see Atlanpole developing over the next decade?
It is difficult to predict, but we will definitely keep on providing the stimulus for innovation, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness at both the regional and national levels, aiming at creating more value and jobs with respect to the necessary transitions. And of course, we intend to keep on inspiring and being inspired within our precious international network, IASP!