São José dos Campos Technology Park supports companies and communities against COVID-19
Concerned with the consequences of the pandemic, São José dos Campos Technology Park, the largest entrepreneurship and innovation center in Brazil, is supporting and creating initiatives to combat the Covid-19 and its outcomes. Resident companies and those connected to PqTec, aware of this moment, are leading projects, making their teams and infrastructures available to assist and develop actions against this disease.
- Webinars to resident and associated companies
Specialists were invited to discuss demands and requirements of startups, residents and associated companies from PqTec. Free webinars were held, exploring important subjects such as taxes, labor law and finances during the pandemic crisis. More than 100 companies has attended to the meetings.
Tech Park also has prepared three e-books, about the same issues, released to all the companies of our ecosystem, specially to micro, small and medium enterprises of our region.
- Social entrepreneurship support
The microentrepreneurs of the Entrepreneur Galleries, social entrepreneurship program managed by PqTec, have also been impacted by the crisis and they are receiving financial guidance and exploring alternative ways of working to overcome this moment.
- Financial incentives mapping
The Tech Park selected opportunities for companies to act directly or indirectly in the development of technologies that can combat COVID-19, from medical equipment to services and processes.
- Free courses list
The Tech Park listed more than 7.000 free courses for entrepreneurs that are seeking qualification in this pandemic period.
- Resident companies
The graduated startup 3D Tecnologia is producing face shields on 3D printers and collaborating with several initiatives. Almost 90 units have already been produced and distributed to Grupo de Máscaras Faciais, to Projeto Hígia and to PqTec's receptionists. Beyond this, the company is focused to the development of 200 autonomous mechanical ventilators in partnership with Universidade de Taubaté.
Plantem, a accelerated startup at Nexus, our innovation hub, is also producing face shields on 3D printers to donate them to healthcare professionals. Cities from São Paulo state have already received the first units. In total, 600 face shields will be donated in the coming days.
Altave offers its technologies for monitoring critical structures and lighting baloons for field hospitals. The aerial monitoring solution reduces cost and increase the covered area. The balloons has diffuse 360º lighting, which does not disturb the sight of workers, has capacity to illuminate up to 22,500 m², are powered by batteries that last up to 12 hours and can be installed and reused quickly. The company is also studying solutions for measuring temperature with an infrared camera thermometer to detect individuals suspected of infection.
Women in 3D Printing - Brazil, has created the Projeto Hígia, to develop face shields. The project was designed by 3D printing researchers, from different locations, including the professor at the Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia/Unifesp, Maria Elizete Kunkel. The goal is to donate 3,000 units.
Akaer designed a hood that would protect medical teams during intubation /extubation procedures - a moment considered more risky for contamination by the team, due to the patient's proximity. Akaer will initially produce a limited number of Hygiea Shield, but it is making available on the web not only the design but manufacturing and assembly instructions, as well as operating suggestions to allow anyone interested to have an extra protection tool in their arsenal at combating COVID-19. Akaer is making itself available to receive comments and suggestions, not only for the improvement and evolution of the “Hygiea Shield”, but also for other challenges in which it can collaborate. Interested parties can contact it by e-mail covid19@akaer.com.br or through the company's social networks.
- Companies associated with the ICT Cluster, managed by the Tech Park
Hubse, specialized in smart cities, launched the "COVID-19 Collaborative Mapping Platform”, to organize, compile and present strategic data on the intra-municipal level, supporting city halls in planning and decision making. See the tool at this link
- Companies associated with Brazilian Aerospace Cluster, managed by the Tech Park
Alltec, a composite materials parts manufacturer, based in São José dos Campos (SP), is creating approximately 150 face shields per week. Some were donated to hospitals and more will be sent to the cities health departments in our region.
Cecil S/A Laminação de Metais is voluntarily implementing an antimicrobian copper coating on high-touch surfaces in hospitals and health centers.
Thyssenkrupp Autômata joined with other 50 companies for the development of face shields. The assembly is being carried out at the Thyssenkrupp Autômata factory, in Taubaté (SP). In total, 100,000 face shields will be donated in the coming days to São Paulo City and 5,000 will be donated to São José dos Campos and region.
Globo Usinagem and Planifer Ferramentaria is part of the group of companies headed by Embraer, which is developing mechanical ventilators.