Abstracts from around the world received for IASP Nantes
With the submission system now closed and our evaluators already hard at work, we can announce that this year has seen a great international response to the Call for Contributions for our next IASP World Conference in Nantes, France. Taking place from 24-27 September 2019, the event is hosted and organized by our colleagues at Atlanpole.
We have received a total of 100 paper proposals from 32 different countries for IASP Nantes, which will focus on “The 4th Industrial Revolution: areas of innovation and science parks as key boosters for a successful transition”. Plenary sessions will explore the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on AOIs and STPs and on their communities and society as a whole, as well as exploring the latest developments in the most important technology fields. The Steering Committee will meet in Nantes in December to begin outlining the shape and content of the scientific programme.
As well as expert speakers from around the world, IASP Nantes will also include an Open Innovation Session, where several big technology corporates including Engie, Airbus and Naval Group will introduce their vision of the future, their needs in technology and the possible collaborations. Resident companies and startups will then have the opportunity to hold individual meetings with them to explore partnership opportunities.
Keep an eye on https://iasp2019nantes.com/ for more updates as the scientific and social programmes take shape, and follow #IASPnantes and the organisers' official account @IASPnantes on Twitter. Or why not join the LinkedIn group and start your networking with potential speakers and delegates ahead of time?